1 - Exam that elicits pain for Tennis elbow?
Pain with resisted wrist extension and passive flexion
2 - Exam that elicits pain for Golfer's elbow?
Pain with resisted wrist flexion And with passive extension of the wrist
3 - Exam for De Quervain's tenosynovitis?
passive stretching of affected tendons ( passive ulnar deviation of the wrist ) by grasping flexed thumb into the palm with fingers elicits pain. (Finkelstein's test )
4 - Tendons affected in De Quervain's tenosynovitis?
Abductor Pollicious Longus and Extensor Pollicious Brevis
5 - Tendon affected/degenerated in tennis elbow?
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
6 - What is Smith's Fx ? how did it happen?
Distal Radius Fx after falling on Flexed wrist, with anterior displacement of the distal part of the radius
7 - What is Colle's Fx? How did it happen?
distal radius Fx with posterior displacement of the distal part of radius and after fall on an outstretched hand
8 - Prophylaxis for Pseudo-gout ?
9 - MCC of Osteomyelitis in SCD pt?
10 - Give 2 Orthopedic Conditions that are Negative Initially on X-ray.?
Scaphoid Fx and AVN
11 - MC location of Osteomyetlis in adults vs. Children?
vertebral body in adults Vs metaphysis of long bones in children
12 - Indication for X-ray in Low Back Pain?
Osteoprosis / compression Fx
Suspect Malignancy
A Spondylitis ( i.e Insidious onset, nocturnal, Pain better with movement )
13 - Indication For MRI in Low Back Pain Pt?
Sensory/ motor deficits
Cauda equina syndrome " urine retention Saddle anesthesia" Suspected epidural abscess /infection (e.g fever IV abuse concurrent infection, hemodialysis )
Abnormal initial X-Ray too
14 - Indication for CT scan in Low Back Pt?
Same Indication For MRI if Pt not able to do MRI
15 - We check what before hydroxychloroquine sulfate? how often do we check that?
baseline ophthalmic exam @ time of start Rx, then annually after 5 years
16 - Pain of Trochanteric bursitis elicited by?
Sleeping / Pressure on the affected Lateral side and Ext rotation and Resisted abduction
17 - MCC of Back pain?
Lumbosacral muscle strain
18 - Confirmatory test for carpal tunnel syndrome?
Nerve conduction study
19 - Exam to Dx Cong Hip Dysplasia?
Barlow and Ortolani
ultrasound after 2 weeks (not before) till 6 months, after six months we can do Xray.
20 - What maneuver to do to treat dislocation of the radial head?
Supination with Flexion Or hyperpronation of the elbow joint
21 - What Joints Spared in Rheumatoid Arthritis?
DIP and Sacroiliac lumbar, thoracic vertebrae
22 - What is Pathergy where to see it?
pustular skin lesions secondary to minor trauma
Behçet disease, Crohn's disease
23 - Skin finding in Reactive Arthritis?
Keratoderma blennorrhagicum & Circinate balanitis
24 - Risk F for Pseudogout ( associated with what Diseases )?
hemochromatosis and hyperparathyroidism hypothyroidism and DM and Wilson
25 - Risk F for torticollis ?
Risk factors Related to crowding in the uterus :
Multiple gestations, breach Position Oligohydrominous
26 - What Conditions/disease Related to intrauterine Position?
Metatarsal Adductus, Congenital Muscular torticollis CHD, and Club foot
27 - Neer test for?
Rotator cuff tendinopathy
28 - Pseudothrombophlibitis has been seen in?
bakers cyst rupture
29 - Hypertension Treatment in Pt with gout?
30 - Which stress fracture needs to be treated with surgery?
Anterior tibial, 5th metatarsal
31 - Shin splints vs. tibial stress Fx?
shin splints are anterior leg pain in overweight pt who walk or run.
stress Fx is seen in underweight Pt and has localized pain.
32 - 2 cases we have to examine the neck before Anesthesia?
Rheumatoid Arthritis, Down Syndrome
33 - Rx of gout in Renal F Patient?
Intraarticular Steroid
34 - What is the most common stress fracture?
2nd metatarsal " March Fx "
35 - Which stress fracture needs to be treated with surgery?
Anterior tibial, 5th metatarsal
36 - Risk F for AVN?
Sickle cell
Caisson disease "decompression sickness"
SLE,, steroid, antiphospholipid Antibodies syndrome "APLAS", alcohol,
37 - Nerve compressed in CTS Vs TTS?
Median N Vs Tibila N
38 - Staph Aureus tend to Affect Epiphysis T/F?
F Metaphysis
39 - Osteosarcoma Vs Ewing sarcoma Arise from?
Metaphysis vs diaphysis
40 - MCC of Acute prepatellar bursitis is?
Staph Aureus
41 - Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy seen As A SE of Viagra? T/F
F we see it in GCA
42 - Drugs to avoid in myasthenia vs drugs to avoid in gout?
Aminoglycosides, BBs, Azithromycin, quinolones,
Thiazides and Aspirin.
43 - What is the site where giant cell tumors in the bone arises from?
44 - What is Monteggia Fx ?
proximal 1/3 ulnar fracture with associated radial head dislocation/instability
45 - What is Galeazzi Fx ?
distal 1/3 radius shaft fx AND
associated distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) injury
46 - What are the malignancy associated with dermatomyositis?
Ovarian, colon, pancreas lung stomach
47 - Medications Causing Drug-induced SLE with negative Anti histone?
Minocycline, Statin, Propylthiouracil
48 - What is the most accurate test to diagnose Sarcoidosis?
lymph node biopsy
49 - What is the treatment for renal osteodystrophy?
low phosphate diet, phosphate binders like sevelamer ( ca carbonate).Ca and vit D
50 - We provide CBT as Rx for Fibromyalgia T/F?
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