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COVID-19 Vaccine - Common questions


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Two vaccines have been approved by the Food and Drug Administraion (FDA) for use against COVID-19: The Pfizer vaccine and Moderna Vaccine.

These vaccines are being shipped across the U.S. and each state develops its own plan for who will receive the vaccine and when.

Healthcare workers and patients in long-term care facilities are receiving the vaccine now.

Key Reminders: 

The vaccines are safe 

Both vaccines were tested on up to 40,000 Volunteers of different races, ethnicities, and health conditions including kidney disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Both vaccines have gone through a full safety review with no short cuts taken, What has allowed the process to move more quickly is the research community working together on a single goal and the speedy shipment of the vaccines.

The vaccines are effective. Both vaccines are approximately 95% effective at preventing COVID-19

When and where can i get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

Order is :

Phase 1a - Healthcare workers and long term care facility residents

Phase 1b - People 75 and older and essential workers

Phase 1c - People 65 to 74 and people 16 to 64 with high risk health condition. 

Where dialysis patients can receive the vaccine is still being determined. 

How many doses of the vaccines are needed to be effective?

The vaccines requires 2 doses, 21-28 days apart. You need both doses.

You may not be fully protected against COVID-19 until 7 days after the second dose.

What side effects can i expect after receiving the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine?

Both vaccines may result in mild side effects such as pain at the injection site and feeling tired, which are normal and expected with vaccination.

Who should NOT get a COVID-19 Vaccine?

The Pfizer vaccine is recommended for most people 16 and older.

The Moderna vaccine is recommended for most people 18 and older.

Talk to your doctor if you have had an allergic reaction to a vaccine before.

1 comment:

  1. The COVID-19 vaccine has also played a significant role of getting through the pandemic and preventing severe cases globally. I always like when research and development pay off on how fast that we got these effective vaccines. In a similar vein of thought, if you are studying at the moment, these uncertain times can pose difficulty to your academic performance, but, london assignment help can help get you back on track.
