Lymphatic System (in brief ):

Major structures
lymph vessels
lymph nodes
lymph fluid
Functions of the Lymph System
- lymph/o
- drain fluid from tissue spaces and return to it to the blood
- transport materials (nutrients, hormones and oxygen) to body cells
- carry away waste products to the blood
- transport lipids away from digestive system
- control of infection
- Lymph originates in blood plasma
- Interstitial fluid
- cleans and nourishes body tissues
- collects cellular debris, bacteria
- return to blood or lymph capillaries

Lymph Nodes

- located in lymph vessels
- small round or oval structures (filters)
- depositories for cellular debris
- bacteria and debris phagocytized
- inside are masses of tissue which contain WBCs (lymphocytes)
- almost always grouped 2 or 3 to 100
- invading cells destroyed in nodes and often swell as an indicator of the disease process
sac-like mass of lymphatic tissue
filter for lymph
phagocytic cells

lymphatic tissue
primary role: changes lymphocytes to T cells for cellular immunity

The Lymph Vessels and Nodes of Lung play an important role in the Lymphatic System of our body. This blog is showing all the parts of the Lymphatic System. You can also learn more from this blog.